Training in Regulated Industries LO25310

From: Winfried Dressler (
Date: 09/08/00

Replying to LO25304 --

>I am interested in understanding what your thoughts are on training in
>regulated industries. Is the trend increasing in training being delivered
>on-line ? Are violations of industry standards related to training
>increasing ? Any ideas on the overall industry costs associated with
>in-sufficient or improper training and resultant failures to meet
>regulatory standards ?

Dear Mike,

introduction of quality management is important to our company and a lot
of effort similar to the procedure which you discribe has been taking.

We see 'paradox' results: The measures for fulfilling the quality
standards, living the system (QS9000) etc. rise continually - as well as
our quality problems and costs.

In terms of Kirkpatrick's 4 levels of training evaluation (thanks to the
list!): Success up to level 3, failure on level 4.

My interpretation is that putting attention on regulations is not same as
fostering that what has been regulated - qualtiy standards and quality in
this case. Thus in fact, if we see the attention of employees as a scarce
resource, then forcing their attention to a quality system may very well
distract attention for quality.

I know, we have had this issue before, but I think it is important enough
to have another round:

What are the conditions necessary so that attention to a quality system
does not distract attention from quality?

For me, this a bit like asking, once again, and again in another form the
old question: What distinguishes a learning from an ordinary

Liebe Gruesse,



"Winfried Dressler" <>

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