If you could ask anything.. LO25313

From: Don Dwiggins (d.l.dwiggins@computer.org)
Date: 09/11/00

Replying to LO25261 --

GDBurch <GDBurch@aol.com> writes:

> I have this wonderful opportunity to design and ask these organizations
> about their practices, and I want to make it as productive as possible.
> From a Learning Organization perspective - if you could ask this group of
> manufacturers anything you want - what would you ask?

- What things have you learned, in the last 5 years, that has improved your
  company the most? (Note: the answer could use a different time period.)
- In what ways has it improved the company?
- Do you think you'll learn as much in the next 5 years?


Don Dwiggins "In a time of drastic change it is the learners who SEI Information Technology survive; the 'learned' find themselves fully equipped d.l.dwiggins@computer.org to live in a world that no longer exists." -- Eric Hoffer

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