Hmmm. Check this out.
"Twenty years on from the oil shock of the 70s, most economists would
agree that oil is no longer the most important commodity in the world
economy. Now, that commodity is information." -- Tony Blair, 01/28/2000
Here is some "important information" about the UK grinding to a halt from
high oil prices:
A nation grinding to a halt Protests halt fuel deliveries n Thousands of
petrol stations closed Blair: `No compromise'
Source: The Independent - London
Publication date: 2000-09-12
PANIC BUYING, a very non-British militancy and the most widespread public
protests since the poll-tax riots were leaving large swaths of the country
facing an unprecedented fuel drought last night.
With 75 per cent of fuel deliveries halted by protests which erupted across
Britain, several major cities and large rural areas were expected to run out
of petrol by today. Already, a number of towns in the North were said to be
I see S=(E-F)/T. Do you?
--"Stan Schellenburg" <>
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