Hi Rick
I missed your comment and picked this up under mental forces string, as I
have used this before on a number of occasions I will explain. It is
simply the pain pleasure signal that moves up and down and across an
organization. (and in all societies on an individual and collective
basis). I have referred to it under motivation and human drives. Most of
my personal research in the last 6 years has been around this issue. The
tensions between fear and desires. What I have done is map all the human
values and motives with their concurrent fears and noticed that the
English language had words that matched all the fears and desires in nice
little groups. (nine in all)
I further mapped many products and industries with these profiles and
found that no product or service ever devised falls outside the boundaries
of the algedonic signal. In fact the entire industrial effort can be
attributed to them (a cheeky and rather pedantic comment).
The term " algedonic" is also used in VSM by Stafford Beer. (same meaning)
My motivational profiling systems combines the process and content
theories of motivation and object relations theory plus some ego
psychology. Over the years I have done hundreds of profiles and had almost
99.9 percent face validity.
These signals are evident in all peoples language (I only profile in
English) and by listening and by getting people to choose words I can
assess personal, company and collective algedonic signals. I use it for
change management, career transition, recruitment, culture analysis etc.
In January I will be presenting a paper at the World Conference on
Thinking on this very subject.
A rather powerful and some times scary instrument.
> >It is the algedonic signal-the fact is that's what it is a signal
> >(yes it does have its complexity), no more no less and easily
> >identifiable in organizations and people.
> >
> >[Host's Note: "algedonic"?? ..Rick]
--Gavin Ritz <garritz@xtra.co.nz>
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