The Association for the Management of Organization Design (AMOD)
presents the 2001 annual conference:
Enabling the Brave New World of eBusiness, Alliances, Mergers, and
Organizations of the Future
March 12-14, 2001
San Antonio, Texas
If your organization is: growing an eBusiness startup; creating
e-enterprise capability in an established organization; in a
post-integration mode following a recent merger, acquisition, or strategic
alliance; experiencing rapid growth; or shifting strategy to meet the
demands of an ever evolving competitive landscape, then this conference
will prove immensely valuable to you.
The conference features these thought leaders and cutting-edge
practitioners: Jay Galbraith, Elliot Jaques, Susan Mohrman, Helene
Uhlfelder, Stuart Winby, and Paul D. Tolchinsky.
To register or for more information call 267-757-0466 or visit:
--Dean Link <>
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