Learning and Training technology portal LO25375

From: gvheijst@cibit.nl
Date: 09/25/00

WWW.LTI-PORTAl.ORG, the portal for technology for learning and training in
industry has undergone some major changes. The positive and constructive
feedback of many of our visitors has helped us to improve the layout and
navigation structure in such a way you can easily find what you are
looking for (provided you are looking for information in the area of
technology for learning and training in industry).

The target audience includes (but is not limited to) people working in EC
funded research projects (IST) who are developing innovative computer
systems to support knowledge and learning processes in industrial
settings. People who are interested in the results and products of these
projects - or in the wider area of industrial learning and training
technology - will find latest news, event information, content from the
LTI projects, profiles of participating organisations and much more. A
number of projects have also created demo rooms where you can see demo
versions of their product in "live" action.

Interested? check out http://www.lti-portal.org

www.lti-portal.org is maintained by KALIF, an initiative to support cross
national, cross organisational collaboration, and funded by the Euopean
commission. Behind KALIF are Kenniscentrum CIBIT (www.cibit.nl) and the
European Consortium for the Learning Organisation, ECLO (www.eclo.org).

More information can be obtained through:
Info@kalif.org or Caroline van der Wal, KALIF project assistant,
Kenniscentrum CIBIT, +31-30-2308900, cvdwal@cibit.nl



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