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Call for Presentations and Papers
Center for the Study of Work Team's 9th Annual
Collaborative Work Systems Symposium
We are seeking people who can share their experiences and knowledge in the
following forms: presentations, workshops, panel discussions, debates,
team, case, and poster presentations. Presentations are typically 45
minutes in length. Some exceptions may be made when the material warrants
Workshops may also be half-day or full-day pre- or post-conference formats
(workshops will require more detailed submission information).
Presentations and papers are invited that address any facet of
collaborative work systems, but especially papers dealing with ideas,
frameworks, processes, tools, assessments, and case examples.
Tracks include:
Research on team-based organizing
Change management competencies for transformation to
collaborative work systems
Design of the competitive, collaborative organization for the next
Presentation proposals are submitted in 2-page abstract form and
are due November 1, 2000.
For detailed information see
http://www.workteams.unt.edu/conf/summer/call for papers.htm
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Melanie Bullock
Center for the Study of Work Teams
University of North Texas
POB 311280
Denton, TX USA 76203-1280
E-mail: melanieb@unt.edu
Ph: 940-565-2198 Fax: 940-565-4806
Center Web Page:
Conferences Education Workshops Publications Benchmarking
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--"Melanie Bullock" <melanieb@unt.edu>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>
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