Replying to LO25418 --
>The FRACTAL packaging of
>. ....+Ca+-|_____|-+Ca+-|_____|-+Ca....
>gives way to the LINEAR packaging of
>. $Na+-|_____|-+Na$ $Na+-|_____|-+Na$
To those who have studied this complex account by At de Lange and wonder
what this may mean for everyday life, I wish to share an analogy which
popped into my mind while reading:
Think of the complex part |_____| as |__I__| and |__YOU__|. Thus the
'soil' gets the interpretation 'humankind' or 'human society' or
'organisation' etc. Now I and You can commute or relate by simply (+)
money (Namber of dollars - Na$) or more complexly (++) by care (Ca).
Reading the part about the open system 'soil', which is not a container,
this special glasses, or interpretation, shed a very interesting light on
the formula. (Un)Fortunately, this light shows something quite disturbing.
It is much easier to leave soil to the experts then outselves, isn't it?
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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