Replying to LO25421 --
Proving why is not the need. Proving how is. Deming is right only from a
position that people are machines that can not solve issues of systems and
structure. Sort of like arguing that every issue can be identified as a
training, education and development problem.
Counter arguement to the intent of the seminar: Who designed the system or
structure of the business or organization? People.
Is this shallow? Perhaps, but one the humman glue of an organization can
make a real change. Shift all the structure around, up size, down size,
develop integrates technology systems and organizational modeling systems
all day long. If the people behave (values, beliefs and culture)the same
what do you have? An new structure or system with the same problems.....
I'd listen to the seminar and hope to gather valuable input. But if only
6% of an organization's performance problem is related to the people in
the organization, then it should take no time at all to design, develop
and implement a "Demington model" and create an organization of high
performance. How is it that model after model doesn't meet the performance
potential of a given organization?
>Peter Senge is close but not quite.
>You may be interested in my seminar - Structural Dynamics: Management's
>Absolute Bottom Book.
>"94% of all problems in business and organizations are problems in
>structures and systems, only 6% are problems with people." W. Edwards
>So, what do you know about structures? I have the bottom brick.
--"Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR" <>
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