Senge is Close, But... LO25459

From: Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR (
Date: 10/13/00

Replying to LO25430 --

The point of organizational structure (and the internal/external systems)
being energized by people is the thrust of every leadership theory that
exist. True? A manager may manipulate resources and structures, but
people, the dependent variable of leadership and getting things done, are
not tools of the structure.

I would like to hear the peraonl leadership philosophy of those on this
list that syupport and defend the notion that people are simply the tools
by which the structure "lives" (succeeds or lacks failure if you like).

>Perhaps, we could be more successful at re-engineering corporations if we
>examined the motivations of the architects and builders of the
>organisational structures and systems.


"Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR" <>

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