Examples of LOs LO25621

From: buronson@hanmail.net
Date: 11/13/00

I am a university student of korea. My major is MIS(Management Information
System). In this semester, I'm learning about MIS theory. So, in MIS
textbook, I learned about LO(Learning Organization ).I can understand
what's the meaning of the LO just a little. but, it's not enough to me.
so, if you don't mind,can you send the example about LO's application in
company to me? I know it can be a nuisance to you and maybe you're in
behind schedule(?) maybe or not... anyway, I'll waiting your answer and
if it's impossible, just send the tip to me even it's anything. (like a
internet address about can get a information about LO, internet web page
or any kinds of terms about LO's application in company or organizations).

I want to receive your answer as soon as possible.



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