Basic Info about Learning Organizations LO25728

From: Andrew Wong (
Date: 12/01/00

Replying to LO25708 --


Narjessa wrote:

>I wonder if any one can help me , my name is narjessa, I am 24 years and i
>prepare my master in management of organization in morroco and my theme for
>my these is "les entrprises apprenante " learning organization

>if any one has any real life experience or theory or documentation behind
>the topic, or any links to relevant sites I would be more than grateful.

As a trainer and facilitator on LO for large corporation, there are many
interesting insights gained about people behaviour in pursuing Learning
Organisation. Most of the learnings are shared with Internet community as
per my homepage in Geocites.

The most recent one is in

You are most welcome to give your comments and critiques.



"Andrew Wong" <>

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