[none] LO25743

From: AM de Lange (amdelange@gold.up.ac.za)
Date: 12/01/00

Dear Organlearners,

Andrew Campbell < ACampnona@aol.com > by way of
Rick Karash <lo@world.std.com> writes on
Subject: [none]

>At, did you mention dreams in the most recent
>posting? I am writing blind - in the dark so to speak,
>so forgive me if I am confused but if so, then, of dreaming,
>Leonardo wrote this in the Codex Atlanticus,

Greetings dear Andrew,

No, it was not you dreaming, but me getting mixed up with the email
addresses of the "learn-org" and "complex-m" lists. I am sorry that this
confused you and fellow learners so much. Forgive me.

But I like the creative way very much in which you and Rick managed to get
the topic of "dreams" into our LO-dialogue, despite my mishap. Refer to
"dreams" as the subject "none".

I always dreamt profusely, awake and asleep. Then some fifteen years ago I
thought that these dreams had very important messages. I tried many ways
to record my dreams as soon as I have had them. I wanted to study these
dreams. I was working on horrible theoretical problems and was dimly aware
that I am solving these problems many times in my dreams. But my dreams
kept on "vapourising into nothing" as soon as I stopped dreaming. After
some two years I gave it up as an impossible job.

>By way of a spontaneous post script David Bohm
>writes that if dreaming be like speculating a theoretical
>possibility...you will know about that;-) then the word
>'theory' derives from 'theatre', from the verb 'to view; or
>'to make a spectacle'.

I think my dreaming is the emergent learning happening in my tacit
dimension of knowledge. Since I cannot present these dreams into words, it
may seem as vindication to those fellow leaners like Fred and Artur who
say tacit knowledge cannot be articulated. But I think it is something
different. The dreams are fleeting (becoming) whereas the language is
persistent (being). How can something which changes all the time be
represented by something else which does not change with for all the time
which the former thing change? Satre seemed to be puzzled by this forever.

Thank you for quoting Leonardo and especially the part

>".... they shall see the most radiant splendours
>amidst the darkness."

for it speaks of dreaming better than I ever can.

>Perhaps dreams are a striving for unity between quality
>and quantity in some a priorian sense before direct
>sensation? I know, I will conduct some experieNments.
>Bucket!!! Where are you?

I am only in a position here to speak for myself. For some ten years
during the eighties many of my dreams were (given my only dim awareness of
them) a striving for harmony between "becoming" and "being". In other
words, they seemed to focus on liveness, i.e "becoming-being". The way in
which you posed the question, it rather seems to be striving for harmony
between spareness and otherness. Sadly, I cannot command myself to dream
on request and specification. Furthermore, when I dream, the things which
I question when not dreaming, recede with these questions into nothing.

One thing is becoming "sense" to me. My dreaming and the emergent phase of
my creativity when not dreaming are linked to each other. The more I
dream, the easier novel ideas take shape consciously. It is because of
this "sense" that I now enjoy dreaming for what it does rather than
questioning what it is doing. Sorry for the word "sense", but I really
cannot find another word expressing what I have in mind.

After having written so much on this subject "none", I have to admit that
much of it was done with imagination, but "none" with actual dreaming ;-)

I wish I could do something here in the office which always puzzle my
family at home. I will lay down on any hard surface just like animal
needing no bedding, fall asleep in less than thirty seconds, perhaps
dream, wake up after ten minutes and feel astonishingly vigorous. It is
something which I learned in the desert to do.

Why do I want to do it now? To spend my time better on this topic "none"

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <amdelange@gold.up.ac.za> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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