Whole Hearted Attention LO25744

From: ACampnona@aol.com
Date: 12/03/00

Dear Pixie,

Thank you for sharing the poem that you wrote.

 "- Women here are very strong...men are just very kind...I see it
everyday...and so do you." May in the Gambia.

A question. How does May 'see every day' what I see?

I want to give you one answer to another question, the answer might tell
you the question again differently, -

"Strictly, then, there is no paradox; scientific explanations do not
explain an independent world or universe, they explain the praxis of
living (the domain of experiences) of the observer making use of the same
operational coherence that constitute the praxis of living of the observer
in languaging. It is here that science is poetry. Humberto Maturana

It is here then, perhaps just for me this dawn that the whole world is

"- Spirit is revolutionary

                  in relation to the world;

it is revealed in freedom, justice, love, creativeness, intuitive knowledge

     rather than in objectified structures - in short,


your tear;
where it ca
me from and
to where is
it gone?
I see
it now falling down the window pane!
Yet a Cloudless Dawn; patient women.





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