For "May" and "Sarah" LO25745

Date: 12/03/00

" so I stop to think that maybe it is a little different, washing clothes
with the kids under the mango tree, cooking rice in a big pot, carrying
buckets of water for the banana trees..." (May, in The Gambia, 16th
November 2000)

"Many small acts, undertaken with great care."
"Many small acts, undertaken with great care."
"Many small acts, undertaken with great care."

The Duchess of York left the room speechless apart from some unutterable
noises, blinded by the immanence of her own tears and the complete
pointlessness of a life hitherto and by her own accord.

The next morning she went, too late- to Calcutta to meet the Sisters of
Mercy as Mother Theresa died a few years ago.

On the wall high up is written, "Many small acts, undertaken with great

The twelve year old girl sits down with the lowlands gorilla called
Ishmael who she communicates with telepathically, she is asking how
humanity might get out of a seeming impasse. "Be inventive." the gorilla
says. "- A million small beginnings." "A million great little ideas."
"-not utopian, not depending on people being better than they are."
"People working off each other's ideas." "Will be led by no-one." "Has no
targeted end point - will proceed according to no plan." "Will reward
those who further the revolution with the coin of the revolution."

And the coin of this revolution?

"A better way of living."

"We tend not to see it this way." (Senge)

Senge also says that he would want to add a few core images, shared
metaphors and pictures to this world people are seeking to create. What
would this accomplish? "-I believe that the industrial age has been
dominated by two such images, the image of the machine and the belief in
material progress, especially in personal material gain." For Senge the
guiding image is that of the Earth itself. Pointing to a transition, a
metanoia, to learn from how nature creates.

Someone once wrote to me at a time of profound personal confusion, hurt
and doubt that if I could not continue to act the words I wrote then 'all
would turn to dust.' There is one smallgreat thing about human spirit in
my limited view that can take this human dust and by transfiguration and
metamorphosis, as if nature herself willed it, make all that burns to dust
and ashes be reversed so that dust is burst spontaneously into flame.
(Arendt) 'the one single flame ingathered in love.' (Dante)

At the end of the fieldbook, 'The Dance of Change' Bateson's words are
used, he asks that we ponder the thought that the source of most of our
problems resides in "the difference between the way men think and the way
nature works."

For my limited scope to 'close the gap' that Senge sees is to 'be' in that
gap. To 'be' in that gap 'acting'. To 'be' in that gap 'acting
spontaneously' means to sense anywhichway the 'becoming/being' that is
nature's only thought.

Many are obsessed with a special and single form of "interest". There
shining days are coming to a close and they must learn to give it all
away. While doing that they may render the world the service of charting
the roads between the interest of money and the inter-est of human
creativity. The new inter-est is to --become/be /\ inbetween --

Praxis and Lexis

Walking and Talking

Bohm wrote in a little read paper on creativity that, " It is implicitly
accepted in a large part of our common notions that intelligence is an
extension of thought. Regarded as a sort of base or ground on which in
turns it operates. It cannot be too strongly emphasised here that what is
being suggested is that intelligence does not arise primarily out of
thought. Rather, the deep source of intelligence in the unknown and
indefinable totality (the whole) from which all (our) perception
originates. When these are absent thoughts quickly get lost in confusion."

Oh dear. Are you confused? Is the poetry confusing us? Are the complex
posts of At de Lange confusing us? Are the diverse metaphors and even
richer pictures confusing us? Is my large/little gift of white pristine
space;-) confusing us? Good, good and good again. Because, ;-) -"with the
right quality of mental energy insight and skill, the art of intelligent
perception may arise without getting lost in the fixity of categories that
leads to irreversible confusion. And so it may;-) perhaps be said that it
is in just such a creative perception of disharmony in the process of
thought, that man may come upon the deepest harmony that is open to him."

"Many small acts, undertaken with great care."
"Many small acts, undertaken with great care."
"Many small acts, undertaken with great care."

The Duchess of York left the room speechless apart from some unutterable
noises, blinded by the immanence of her own tears and the complete
pointlessness of a life hitherto and by her own accord.

The next morning she went, too late- to Calcutta to meet the Sisters of
Mercy,- Mother Theresa had died a few years ago.

On the wall high up is written,

"Many small acts, undertaken with great care."

"The human personality can hold a universal content." (N.Berdyaev)

It does.

You are.
You are.
You are.


Andrew Campbell


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