Structure LO25746

From: Gavin Ritz (
Date: 12/04/00

Replying to LO25733 --

Hi John

Yes, I agree, structure and processes is one of my favorite subjects,
structure and processes are the means by which mankind meets its needs. I
have a keen interest in this area and EKS is one of my most favorite
models. In EKS the entire business processes are mapped from, material,
technical, economic, financial, informational, psychological, power
processes all underpinned by energy. EKS is a cybernetic model like VSM
but much more focused on environmental processes than VSM which focuses on
organizational structure. Both are underpinned by very much the same

If you are interested in structure VSM (Beer), Stratified Systems theory
(Jaques), Living Systems theory (Miller) and Rosen's Models have plenty to
say about this very subject.

In January I am making a presentation of human motives and values within a
systems thinking model for the ninth conference on Thinking in Auckland
New Zealand and will post the presentation on my web site which goes
around much of these issues.


"John H. Dicus" wrote:

> We too often suffer from making light of structure -- from
> over-simplifying. Yet we suffer just as much by making it too difficult
> -- putting it beyond the reach of usefulness.


Gavin Ritz <>

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