Replying to LO25756 --
The subject is dear to me, I appreciate and am grateful to all those who
shared their ideas and experience.
Reading your contribution At, and being "well-read" in your previous
writings on various subjects, I observed your unique authenticity in
showing appreciation. I noticed it many times in the past, but only after
reading this last mail, had I realized what stands behind it.
Authenticity in showing appreciation follows from a persistent search for
a meaningful expression. Such persistence can be gained only when one is
convinced that there is always something original to be found in every
creation, and thus, one undertakes all the effort it takes to find it.
Thanks At,
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL - Learning Cycles Ltd.
tel: +972 3 6997903
fax: +972 3 6902I27
mobile: +972 54 666294
--"Judy Tal" <>
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