Replying to LO25772 --
> What is the question????????
> BJ
> >Please Answer Following Questions:
> >
> >1. Project Management
> [Host's Note: Yes, Bruce. That's the question. What can we say to help
> people who for whatever reason don't ask well-formed questions? ..Rick]
Do you remember "The Milk Project"? Answering one question is a task,
explore the scope of a term a project. We haven't dealt much with
'design', but the others terms occur frequently and yes, we explore their
scope as they occur.
Thus I tend to interpret the list of terms not as 'not well-formed
questions' but as knocks at the door of our list. With this I hope to
speak in the name of most of us when I say:
"Come in, C. Raghuraja and join us, you seem to be right here. Share your
story with us and let the dialogue evolve."
Liebe Gruesse,
Winfried (KiWiDressler)
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