Hi LOers
I have just completed a paper for presentation that might interest those
who are interested in organizational mental modeling and assessment of
values, drives and motives. It is an heuristic model, in the paper I
include some really neat everyday examples of how the drive value factors
work. It is more of a practical application type model for those who are
interested in mental modeling, mission statement development, Learning
organisations, Intellectual capital, understanding human motives etc. I
believe that this model, models the basic heuristic factors that create
all our processes and structures in the business world. It works great
with algorithmic models like Stratified Systems
Theory etc. It seems to underpin all economic processes, financial
processes, informational processes etc. For those who know VSM it measures
the algedonic signal.
Some interesting comments, the model also seems to expand and be the
underlying driving force that forms the processes, just like the
Belosov-Zhabotinski reaction and it looks like the basins of attraction in
an NK model that was generated by Andrew Wuensche at the Santa Fe
institute. I think that it looks more like one giant invisible
"tensegrity" structure over all mankind. But then sometimes I am not so
I use it daily now in a practical sense and that is where it is designed
to be used. It has taken almost a decade to get it in its present shape
and is tested daily against its internal structure.
My personal web site http://sites.netscape.net/gavinritz/homepage , the
top link (above my name) will down load the entire file in pdf format. If
it doesn't load just press the reload button.
gavin ritz
Auckland New Zealand
[Host's Note: Thanks, Gavin for sharing your paper with us. ..Rick]
--Gavin Ritz <garritz@xtra.co.nz>
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