Merry Christmas LO25799 -was: Polanyi

From: demingtw (
Date: 12/16/00

Replying to LO25794 --

Fred Nickols wrote

> I have just ordered four books bearing Michael Polanyi's name and I'm
> having them shipped to At via expedited international shipping. With
> luck, he'll have them by Christmas.
> Merry Christmas, At. Read the damn books and tell us what you think.

Wow. What a 'personal knowledge' gift. This is not a 'punish by rewards or
I hope At don't mind this extra note. It might be about 40 years ago, F.
A. Hayek suggested to one of his Ph D students in Chicago Univ. that M.
Polanyi's "Personal Knowledge" is a good subject for a PhD dissertation.
Unfortunately, this proposal is out of the ken of that Chinese candidate.

When business consultants or writers borrowed some key words from the
original thinkers, most likely they become 'slogans' for magic
purposes.Perhaps some of OLers like to consult 'Decision Engineering'
chapter of James G. March's 'A Primer on Decision Making' for 'decision
intelligence' among other important subjects and some methodology

Have a very special seasoned experiencing.

Hanching Chung


demingtw <>

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