Meme spam LO25798

Date: 12/16/00

Replying to LO25778 --

Re: Denham Grey on the subject: Meme spam in LO25778 ( -activate humour
nodalities :-)

Dear Denham,

Meme: No such word in MY dictionary ;-) (1982;-) Note to any generous
friends JIT for Xmas, Andrew needs a NEWer dictionary;-)))

Spam: (n). Kind of tinned ham produced in the U.S.

Is the 'spam' to be 'embedded' in the 'meme' or the 'meme' 'embedded' in the
'spam'? Is that what you are asking Den-ham?

" The organism and the environment are not actually separately determined.
The environment is not a structure imposed on living beings from the
outside but is in fact a creation of those beings. The environment is not
an autonomous process but a reflection of the biology of the species. Just
as there is no organism without an environment, so there is no environment
without an organism."
Richard Lewontin.
No "landing pads" then, just endless
(possibility)-(spaces)-("co-creating";-) in relations to each other. (
Shambala Inst.)

Respectfully and curiously yours,

Andrew Campbell


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