Meme spam LO25778

From: Denham Grey (
Date: 12/12/00

As I wander around deep cyberspace, I wonder about the ethics and dynamics
of posting almost the same idea in many communities within a short span of
time (meme spam)

Will this help with cross pollination?, build synergy?, increase
innovation? and result in new thoughts? or will it reduce the conceptual
entropy, pollute the ether and bring to a halt the semantic and ideologic
drift that drives cognition in virtual space?.

Not an easy call. When should I take my meme and thrust, (inflict?)
(entrust?) it upon (to) another audience and gathering?.

When do I add and when do I destroy?

By gathering the fruits of past drift and spreading those concepts, do I
wreck future opportunity for reaping hybrid vigor?

Contrast this with surfacing a past thought from a persistent
conversation, bringing it into a changed context within the SAME
community, allowing 'new' participants the opportunity to gain synergy.

Is this fundamentally different from meme spam??



Denham Grey <>

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