Call For Papers
International Conference and Workshops on Learning Potential
Assessment Device (LPAD) and Instrumental Enrichment (IE)
August 19-25, 2001
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Chair: Chris A. Chinien, Ph.D. Director, UNEVOC-Canada
Communication technology has created a world in which people must be more
flexible in the way they acquire new knowledge and skills. Peter Drucker,
an American writer on management issues, predicted: "...inequality based
on knowledge is a major challenge in today's emerging learning societies."
Considerable efforts and resources have been devoted to provide equal
educational opportunities to all. Having equal educational opportunities
now means more than just having access to schools, teachers, and
textbooks. It also means that individuals have the intellectual and
cognitive skills needed to learn. Many individuals lack equal educational
opportunities because they have not developed the essential cognitive
skills to succeed in a learning environment.
UNEVOC-Canada, the Canadian Center for UNESCO's International Project on
Technical and Vocational Education and the International Center for the
Enhancement of Learning Potential will co-host an International Conference
and Workshops on August 19-25, 2001 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
The international conference and workshops are based on Dr. Reuven
Feuerstein's work in Structural Cognitive Modifiability and Mediated
Learning Experience. Also, the two systems derived from Dr. Feuerstein's
work, Learning Potential Assessment Device (LPAD) and Instrumental
Enrichment (IE), will constitute a major focus of the conference and
Individual Papers
Papers for the conference are being accepted on any aspect related to Dr.
Reuven Feuerstein's theories of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM)
and Mediated Learning Experience (MLE), or their applications-Learning
Potential Assessment Device (LPAD) and Instrumental Enrichment (IE).
Individual papers must focus on any one of the themes listed as follows.
-Enhancing learning skills of learners with special needs
-Improving learning effectiveness and efficiency in technical and vocational
education and training
-Working effectively with learners from diverse cultural experiences
-Improving learning effectiveness and efficiency of workplace education and
-Challenging gifted learners
-Developing critical skills for lifelong learning
Presenters may focus on issues relating to research, case studies, best
practices, innovative approaches, strategies, issues relating to
applications, policy implications, theory, and emerging trends.
Presentations will be one hour in length followed by a thirty-minute
The paper should consist of approximately 4000 words. It must be
word-processed, single-spaced, and left-justified using Times New Roman
12-point font. Inclusion of endnotes, footnotes, headers, and page numbers
are not encouraged. Titles should be bold and centred. References must
follow the style conventions of the American Psychological Association
(Publications Manual, 3rd edition).
Panel discussions
Participants in the conference panel discussions will exchange ideas and
information about best practices, exemplary projects, case studies and
current issues and concerns. Papers from panel discussion leaders are now
being accepted. The panel discussions will also focus on the main themes
of the conference, as listed above. Each panel member will prepare a
ten-minute position paper that focuses on one of the conference themes.
Deadline for submitting abstracts for paper presentations or panel
discussions: Thursday, February 1, 2001
Length: 100-150 words
Deadline for papers to be included in conference proceedings: May 1, 2001
To submit an abstract, complete the attached Proposal Cover Sheet form and
mail, fax, or e-mail both the form and the abstract to:
Riva K. Bartell, Ph.D., C. Psych., Professor
Counselling Psychology & Clinical School Psychology
Department of Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology
402 Education Building, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
Telephone: (204) 474-9048
Fax: (204) 474-7033
For further information or to confirm the suitability of an idea for a
paper, please contact Dr. Riva Bartell at the above address.
Notification of Acceptance
Conference organizers will notify all prospective presenters regarding the
status of their papers by February 28, 2001. Conference registration will be
waived for chosen presenters.
Important Dates
February 1, 2001 - Submission of abstracts deadline
February 28, 2001 - Notification of acceptance
March 30, 2001 - Registration deadline
May 1, 2001 - Submission of papers deadline
August 19-20, 2001 - Conference
August 21-25, 2001 - WorkshopsAugust 19-20, 2001 - Conference
Unlocking Human Potential To Learn
International Conference & Workshops
August 19-25, 2001
Family Name(s): __________________________________________________
First Name(s): __________________________________Title: _________
Paper Format: o Individual Paper o Panel Discussion
The following sub-themes are pertinent to my paper or panel discussion:
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
Contact Information
Address: _________________________________________________________
Institution: _____________________________________________________
Street: __________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State/Province: ________
Postal Code: ____________________ Country: _____________________
Telephone: ______________________ Fax: _________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________
Deadline for abstracts: Thursday, February 1, 2001
Length: 100-150 words
Deadline for papers: May 1, 2001
Submit to:
Riva K. Bartell, Ph.D., C. Psych., Professor
Counselling Psychology & Clinical School Psychology
Dept. of Educational Administration, Foundations & Psychology
208 Education Building, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
Telephone: (204) 474-9048
Fax: (204) 474-7564
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