Accomplishing Work; Showing appreciation LO25816

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 12/20/00

Replying to LO25803 --

Dear Organlearners,

Artur Silva <> writes:

>I find that the same MM (not showing appreciation)
>is at work in a lot of other cultures, especially in
>occidental cultures. This can be found at schools as
>you expressed so clearly, but also in the work place
>and at general social life.
>So if it is right that it can be found in many other
>occidental cultures we have to find a more general
>cause than the apartheid regimen (even if I agree with
>you that probably it was more evident in South Africa
>and in other similar regimens).

Greetings Artur,

I tried in my contribution to stick to South Africa and my own

The reason is that I am cautious not to fiddle with a hornest (wasp) nest.
You have mentioned yourself that you observe this mental model in other
cultures too. South Africa [before, during and after apartheid] in which
the Xhoisan, Banthu, European and Asian cultures are common is but a part
of Southern Africa [before, during and after colonialism] in which the
Banthu culture is predominant. This I will say of the Banthu culture in
general: it is predominantly collectivist and actively discourages
individualism. Thus the society at large is appreciated, but not
individuals for their work -- except the leaders of societies. Such a
leader is then appraised before every major public appearance by an
"appraisal orator" -- see for example what happened at Mr Mandella's
presidential inauguration.

>My hypothesis is that it is one between many other
>manifestations of what Argyris and Schon call "Model 1
>theory in use".
>As any one worked with this model and tried to facilitate
>changes from model 1 to model 2? Would you agree that
>not showing appreciation is a common MM within Model 1?

In European societies where theories play a crucial role, I would agree.
But in African and Asian societies I would expect some other causes as I
have indicated above. As for myself, I try to become aware of as many
causes as possible for this Mental Model, and then try to find a "deeper
cause" common to all these causes. I think that creativity and trying to
preserve it is the key to the issue. In this sense this MM is used like
many other MMs to overcome the intimidation and hence ablation of Digestor
action. See The Digestor LO21272
< >

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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