Designing the New Venture LO25821

Date: 12/20/00's some information on a conference participants on this list might
be interested in...

Designing the New Venture:
Enabling the Brave New World of eBusiness, Alliances, Mergers and
Organizations of the Future

March 12 - 14, 2001
San Antonio, Texas

Next spring, the Association for the Management of Organization Design
(AMOD) with support from Deloitte & Touche is sponsoring an important
conference on how to design new ventures, featuring some of the most
important organization designers of our day. The conference will address
ways to consciously create and manage the structures, management systems,
organization culture, and processes that work best for new ventures and
the new organizations we see so much of today.

This unique conference addresses many of the issues that managers and
practitioners work with everyday. The main conference will feature twelve
different sessions by organization leaders and consultants who have been
working closely with many leading new businesses. General topics include:

- Designing for growth and sustainability
- Growing the new while maintaining the old
- Organizational architecture for eBusiness environments
- Accelerating the alignment of strategy, structures, and systems

Among the speakers are:
- Jay Galbraith, considered one of the world's leading experts in
organization design, whose most recent book is Designing the Global
- Elliott Jacques, author of over 20 books, along side with Tom Helton, U.S.
- Stu Winby, Director of Business Transformation Services at Hewlett-Packard;
- Pritam Vachani, who will address the organization challenges of
- Les McKeown, who will address how new ventures manage explosive growth
through organization design;
- Patti Phillips, of Scient Corporation, who will address how to achieve
competitive advantage through organization design.

There are many other speaking on similarly relevant topics.

There will also be two powerful day-long pre-conference workshops on Sunday,
March 11:

- Craig McGee, of Solutions, will present AMOD's own workshop - Designing
for High Performance: A Seven Step Approach
- Jay Galbraith, Sue Mohrman and David Finegold of the Center for Effective
Organizations at USC will present their workshop on Design Strategies for the
E-Enabled Enterprise.

Please visit the AMOD website for more information and to register: You can also call Atty vanHamel at the AMOD office at
267-757-0466 for further information or assistance.


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