Replying to LO25811 --
Hello Jan,
You (or your meme) wrote:
>Where is the meaning of life? It is an "oratio pro domo".
I like your recent approach to "Where is the meaning of life?" in the
LO-Cycles. I recall previous metaphors you used (you used to use ;-)) on
the subject, and this new one seems to encompass an interesting insight;
'Oratio pro domo sua' - is the title of Cicero's speach, in his claim to
liberate his private land (home) from Libertas' (the godess of freedom and
liberation) possession.
Ceci n'est pas un paradoxe ;-))
Do you happen to know how he managed?
Conflicts and paradoxes throughout the journey to see the sea of think*s.
Warm greetings to all,
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL - Learning Cycles Ltd.
tel: +972 3 6997903
fax: +972 3 6902127
mobile: +972 54 666294
--"Judy Tal" <>
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