Dear Learners
In 'Self Sealing Thoughts' LO1433 John Warfield brings our attention to a
difference that creates another difference among all the other pertaining
(and not) differences to be distinguished;-) by writing, "-In my own work
I have distinguished suppositions from presuppositions." He articulates
the difference thus wise, "- suppositions are those assumptions that one
is capable of articulating, while presuppositions are those that are in
the subconscious, yet are driving behaviour."
My thought is, what is the connection to this and "art" and Polanyi?
And I am reminded of that most 'banal' of questions people ask of creators
of abstract works of art ..."Well, yes...but what does it mean?"
And, are some thoughted 'things' too 'fine' for all our words?
[Host's Note: Andrew has been mining deep in the LO archives... LO1433
from May 1995 is at ..Rick]
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