They all Claim to be LOs LO26043

From: Roy Greenhalgh (
Date: 02/02/01

Replying to LO26034 --

Thanks Nancy and Rick

In the UK we call it a "crib sheet" .. something you can hide away in a

-- Roy Greenhalgh

[Host's Note: Here in the US Cliff Notes is a publication series, aimed at
Highschool and College students. It's so well known, it's become an idiom
here, as in, "I wrote him a Cliff Notes version." ..Rick] wrote:

> An abbreviated version - a book report. I condensed the whole book into
> three pages and then used it as a "talking points" to help this person learn
> about the Fifth Discipline. He loved it and kept the notes to refer to.


Roy Greenhalgh <>

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