Replying to LO26037 --
Hello Ana, Hello Everyone,
I'm so glad you brought up these thoughts, thanks.
> Create, share, store, evaluate. These are some of the verbs used as phases
> of the knowledge cycle. Most authors present their own prespective of this
> cycle and each one makes his/her point (welcome, Oblio). Maybe that is why
> I always assumed that, in fact, there is a knowledge cycle.
Yes, right you are, and Rick also quoted for us all the remarkable
references, except maybe the classical four phase model of project
development (I personaly prefere "project life cycle"): Initiation,
Design, Impementation and Control (some will prefere "maintenance" - R. M.
Pirsig, for example). The four-cycle of every Natural System.
> However, I think it was last week, I found myself questioning this
> assumption. I think I was trying to draw one knowledge cycle. I was
> thinking about the phases I wanted to include and, after deciding on
> those, I just couldn't put them in sequence. It was then that I started
> questioning the cycle.
> In fact, if you say that you create knowledge before you share it, it
> makes most sense. But, when you are sharing knowledge you are also
> creating it. So, how can you say one comes before the other? And it is
> obvious that you can only evaluate something after doing it, but when you
> evaluate a knowledge sharing/creation process, you are creating knowledge
> at the same time. (Is it just an impression or the creation phase is a
> on-going phase, present at every other stage of the knowledge process?)
It seems confusing until you realize that these cycles are invariants in
scale, ie there are big cycles and small cycles (embeded), like there are
systems and subsystems - just zoom in ;-), there are years, and there are
month, and days too - all four-cycles. I'm trying to say that the winter,
for example, has a "spring" itself - the "spring" of the winter ;-). In
hebrew we say "the dawn" of one's life - and one's life is also a cycle.
> I picked up some post-it's and tried to arrange them in a way that meant
> something to me. I'm still fighting with those post-its, I must confess!
Funny that you mention these - I'm struggling with them myself, and find
it very inspiring. Would you like to share some practice?
Kind regards,
Judy Tal
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL - Learning Cycles Ltd.
tel: +972 3 6997903
mobile: +972 54 666294
fax: +972 3 6902127
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