Knowledge life cycle? LO26048

From: John Zavacki (
Date: 02/03/01

Replying to LO26037 --


Try using cycles within cycles. This is the same quandary many learners
ran into with the Plan, Do, Study, and Act cycle in Deming style process
improvement. In reality, each phase of knowledge goes through each of the
others. Draw the loops and at the entry point of each, start and internal
set which comes back to the starting point. It's a recursive process, and
each of the loops may be used many times in each cycle (as the young bird
flaps its wings many times while learning to fly).

JohnJohn F. Zavacki <> <>

  "People are entitled to joy in their work and a sense of ownership."
W. Edwards Deming


"John Zavacki" <>

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