Knowledge life cycle? LO26050

From: Mark W. McElroy (
Date: 02/03/01

Replying to LO26048 --


There is a knowledge life cycle model that has been developed by the
Knowledge Management Consortium International (KMCI) that may be of
interest to many of you in connection with this thread. The KMCI is a
non-profit professional association of knowledge management practitioners
that was formed three years ago to help formulate a coherent view of KM
and related reference models. The KMCI has emerged as the bastion of
so-called "second-generation KM," and is the definitive source of KM
theory and practice in the industry in which "systems thinking" takes
center stage (

The KMCI's Knowledge Life Cycle (KLC) model can be seen at my own site
( at the following URL:

A glossary is included with the above file, as well.

The KMCI's model is an ontological model in the sense that it describes
the ontogeny of knowledge as it unfolds in human social systems. In this
regard it serves as a kind of macro-theory of organizational learning, or
a framework, within which many lower-level theories or bodies of practice,
can be placed in context.

I should also point out that the KMCI model is expressed at an
organizational level, and not a group or an individual one. In other
words, it is an expression of the manner in which organizational learning
occurs, and according to which organizational knowledge is produced. It,
therefore, does not attempt to depict the lower-level dynamics of
communities of practice, much less learning in the minds of individuals.
These steps, in the KLC, are included, by reference, in the notion of what
is described as "Individual and Group Learning," but are otherwise
subordinated in the context of the KLC model's higher-level,
organizational scale. That said, the model is largely fractal in nature,
and so the same dynamics shown at the organizational level arguably apply
at the community, group, and individual levels, as well.


Mark W. McElroy


"Mark W. McElroy" <>

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