What is learning? LO26045

From: demingtw (demingtw@ms17.hinet.net)
Date: 02/02/01

Replying to LO26028 --

More and further reply to LO26028.

No thanks for the free advise( for back channel mail). IMHO, Simon's book
Adminstrative Behavior, 4th edition, 1997) is a high priority
encyclopedia. I like to mention some 'points' ( I enjoyed the contribution
in this list this week about the fable, forgive my difficult in finding
the file in my other PC. Thanks anyway.) of my 'homage' to this book. I
think they are related topics in this list.

Simon complains about the 'jungle of language of management since '60s'
and proposes a uniform approach. I sympathise with him and he did it with
deeds, please refer to his commentaries in each chapter, including many
important operational concepts (corporate goals system and organizational
memory, for example) and experiments in organizational learning.

For some troubles of 'wording' or 'naming', someone might like to refer to
pp.110-111 of Personal Knowledge.
Let's move to 'tacit dimention' topic in this list. If you read Simon's
'analysis' of his 'friend' Barnard's speech about 'intuitions' of our
brain, you will know his opinion about 'tacit knowing'. ( Based on my
personal correspondance with him about 2 years ago and my understanding.)

I like his 'scientific' approaches and I think for a MBA training or other
learning modes( say, Simon's preferred one,' learning by doing') , this is
a wonderful book. You know the 'MBA' stands for.

Hanching Chung


demingtw <demingtw@ms17.hinet.net>

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