Replying to LO26152 --
Personal view: For someone else to give you best practices of mentoring
would defeat your program. In order to succeed the organization requires
a great deal of internal conversation about the goals, the commitment, and
the practices that your organization thinks would be effective. How
committed are you? How much time per week should be invested? Is it an
investment or an expense? Do you all agree to that? What does mentoring
mean to each individual? How will you be able to tell -- either as an
organization or as individuals -- when mentoring is working? What are the
outward signs of success? What preparation is going to be required of
each individual to be an effective mentor? How will people be connected
to mentors? What happens when a mentor relationship is not working?
Invest 4 hours a week for 6 weeks in this conversation, and you will have
the beginnings of a successful mentor program.
--"Rol Fessenden" <>
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