Learning & Teaching Styles LO26206

From: Don Dwiggins (d.l.dwiggins@computer.org)
Date: 02/24/01

Replying to LO26167 --

Janis & Tom write:
> We all teach naturally according to our own learning styles (think
> of your college experiences) and thus need to adapt to others if we want
> to be effective. Most learning disabilities belong to the organization
> not the individual.

> While understanding different learning styles in important in
> organizational learning, so is understanding the mismatch between
> different knowing styles, which brings in another body of research.

What is a learning style (or teaching style, or knowing style)? Is it a
once-for-all, genetically determined characteristic like one's hair color?
Is it something that evolves through the learner's experience? Is it
possible to have multiple learning styles, depending on mood and the
nature of the particular learning to be done? Can I learn to change,
adapt, or enrich my style(s)? Should I? Given that I've found through
some evaluation instrument that my learning style is X, what should I do
with the information (notice that I didn't say "knowledge" 8^)? Given
that you as my teacher have found through some evaluation instrument that
my learning style is Y, how should you use the information?


Don Dwiggins "All models are false, but some are useful" d.l.dwiggins@computer.org -- George Box, "Statistics for Experiments"

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