The 5 Elements LO26207

From: Removed by Request (noreply@dev.null)
Date: 02/24/01


Is there anybody on this board who knows about the Traditional Chinese
theory of the 5 Elemental Energies (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water)? I
recently read a book that talked all about it and I've been studying this
theory ever since. I'm looking for ways to balance out the energies in my
office, bedroom and house to promote equilibrium in everyday life. I have
many ideas about this and would like to share them with others,
particularly those who can provide feedback. I look forward to speaking
with those who have been acheiving balance in their lives by living in
accord with this profound theory.

With warm regards,
Name Removed by Request


"Removed by Request" <noreply@dev.null>

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