Replying to LO26198 --
Dear Organlearners,
Greetings to you all. Many of you have written like
Arthur Battram <>
>Get well soon, At
>Thinking of you
>Best wishes
Now who in the world can remain in hospital after such kind wishes? I
thank you all for your kind words -even those who wrote in private. This
is how a LO operates, even in cyberspace.
I am up again, but have to take care not to overdo it or take my recovery
for granted. The doctors say that I could have had it much worse.
I am so grateful to you all that I just had to compose a reply on the
topic "empowerment" to show my gratitude. It took me a couple of days to
complete, but it was worth all the effort and discomfort. At least the
people from third world countries are in dire need of "empowerment" to
escape from a bleak future. But I suspect that many people from first
world countries are just as much in need of "empowerment". It is for them
that I have painted this rich picture on "empowerment", wishing to show
that it is vital to quality living.
May God bless you all.
With care and best wishes
[Host's Note: So, At surprises me again! I just distributed my note saying
we probably wouldn't hear from At for a while. I should learn to look
ahead in the msg queue! At, we are so glad to hear your voice in fine
spirit! Again, our best wishes for your well-becomming! ...Rick]
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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