Replying to LO26202 --
In a message dated 01-02-24 21:58:42 EST, writes:
> If the LO is so good......why is it impossible to achieve?
> b.. What if everybody in the organisation doesn't subscribe to the LO
> c.. Does everybody have the 'desirable' psychological attributes?
> d.. What 'humanistic' barriers are there in establishing an LO?
> e.. What areas cause the biggest resistance to change/transformation?
You have certainly posed an interesting challenge - one it might take too
long to address but did want to just contribute a few thoughts.
First, those of us in OD are frequently accused of wearing rose-colored
glasses. And yet, we persist. Most of us have learned to remain
optimistic -"appreciative" - while still removing those glasses enough to
see and understand the real world and the real challenges that exist in
moving forward. It's hard to focus on development if you can't believe in
opportunities and improvement.
That being said, I do agree that creating a true learning organization, in
all it's glory, as epitomized by Senge is still pretty darn impossible in
today's hard-nosed, bottom-line focused, layoff crazy organizations. But
I also believe if this trend continues, many of these organizations won't
exist in the future. American workers will find other, alternative ways
to make a living and pursue careers. Many of us have learned the
importance of seeking meaning in our work and can't stand the starvation
that exists when there is none. Making money for a corporate giant
doesn't create any meaning for most of us. Therefore, there is room to
begin doing some of the work in creating learning organizations - even if
we have to start small. One team or department who learns the value of
working and learning differently can begin to set an example within their
organizations. Wildfires often start from one small spark.
I have been fortunate to be part of creating a few small learning
organizations and to also be a participant in a few. It is a fabulous
experience that feeds the mind, heart and soul. I will continue to do
this work - sometimes wearing those glasses and other times being more of
a realist.
Thanks for posing such thought-provoking questions.
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