Replying to LO26285 --
Nice to see you writing something again. (read one of your articles on the
web re complexity, some months ago)
D P Dash wrote:
> > Here we see that many news items appear to disgust us, yet may be the
> >result of our fundamental alarmist biological heritage. ... it would
> >appear that our present day obsessions were extremely important to our
> >early survival and are of strong biological origin.
> Welcome to 'evolutionary psychology'! Why do most people look downwards
> while walking? Because, as arboreal mammals, their forefathers (and
> foremothers) lived with the perpetual fear of falling from the boughs they
> straddled.
Interesting comment, one anthropologist remarked the two key drivers of
early mankind was food and fear. Our fears have just compounded by mankind
forming societies so now we fear other societies and what they can do to
us. I have been focusing on this issue for years and have found that
certain values are inherent in cultures and countries and they drive the
very mental engines of those societies. Sometimes to great heights other
times to dismal lows.
> What these explanations overlook is the enormous 'degrees of freedom' in
> behaviour. For example, one who walks looking downwards can also look
> upwards when something interesting happens up there!
Look up it's always brighter up there, and you won't fall down. And keep
your eyes open you never know who is around to make you their dinner.
--Gavin Ritz <>
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