In case any of you in the learning-org community are interested in lessons
in leadership your organization can draw from the Bard, mark your calendar
for May 8, 2001. Richard Olivier, visiting fellow at the Cranfield
University School of Management's Praxis Center and director of London's
Globe Theatre, will discuss "Managing on the Edge: Leadership Lessons from
Hamlet" at the Rio Suite Hotel in Las Vegas.
As mergers, restructuring, and leadership changes disrupt organizational
order and give rise to a range of human emotions, our ability to manage
the resultant disorder directly impacts its long-term benefits. How can
you learn to thrive on the edge and discover the opportunities inherent in
continuous change? Take a lesson from Shakespeare's Hamlet. Examine the
natural human responses to change and learn how to integrate reason,
emotion, and intuition to create meaning out of change. Discover how to
find the right balance between action and reaction, and how to help others
deal with change more creatively. Take away techniques to help you
recognize your own strengths and weaknesses as a change leader and
maximize your value in a changing organization.
To learn about this presentation, Olivier's workshop "Emotional and
Political Intelligence in Leadership: Lessons from Julius Caesar," and the
rest of the agenda of "Corporate Universities 2001: Benchmarks for
Learning in the Digital Economy," visit or call
--Matthew McKeon <>
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