Alert, alert, alert;-)
Ken warns us in his posting titled Alarmist, Reactive Behaviors LO26279...
> Of course, in our case, those who can successfully alarm the
> population are rewarded with a very large income and their pick of sexual
> mates, and the latter may have also been the case with the early hominids
> who raised alarms.
> All of this was outlined by Danielle Marie Sola 10 years ago in a
> scholastic
> paper that, not surprisingly, was ignored by both academia and the popular
> media.
> (With thanks to Ken Puma)
> So, we can expect many organizations to display alarmist, reactionary
> behaviour rather than planned logical processes. That is, the "learning"
> that is done may not produce the desired outcomes that we all hope for?
"Planned logical processes...not produce outcome that we all hope for.."
Scholarly (warning) papers ignored?
And do we "all hope for" the same "outcomes"?
A smell a red herring (metaphorically;-)
In the context then were they then not right to ignore her warnings and
how far does the we extend intensively and extensively I ask myself.
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