Essentialities of Creativity LO26328

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 03/11/01

Replying to LO26292 --

Dear Organlearners,

Gavin Ritz <> writes:

>I have not been able to find your last two essentialities
>on the archive. That is quality-variety and open-paradigm.
>I am trying to see how your essentialities interconnect with
>some of the business models I work with.

Greetings dear Gavin,

I do hope that the seven essentialities will be of value to you.

You are right -- I have stopped at the fifth one (spareness) trying to
articulate them. With all the objections by dr Steve Eskow, I began to
wonder at the wisdom of trying to tell what we know, but cannot tell.
Anyway, I think that by supplying fellow learners with both their nominal
names (otherness and openness) and seminal names ("quality-variety" and
"open-paradigm"), they will be able to draw from their own experiences.
For example, you have had some deep things to say on variety and how much
it corrsponds to Rosh Asby's insights. Just continue on this path and you
will excell in otherness. However, when you try to tell what you know, you
will begin to exprience my dillemma.

For example, one of the mosty beautiful examples of otherness is the
rainbow. Try to tell a blind person what the rainbow is about! It is not
only words which are insuffient. Ask Andrew Campbell how easy or difficult
it is to paint or photograph a rainbow ;-)

In a reply to Karen Roles under the topic "Learning and Grace. LO26243" I
have tried to focus more than the usual on openness so as to help you to
get your thoughts going. As for me, I often get the feeling that openness
is among the seven essentialities like the joker among a pack of cards. It
always upset me at the inconvenient moment, forcing me to take into
account things which I have been oblivious to or considered as

>I trust you are well and fully on the way to recovery.

Thank you for your kind words. I am recovering, but as usual I am far too
impatient with myself to be good for me.

Our physical health are dear to us. But so is also our spiritual health.
After fifteen years of contemplating the seven essentialities, I now
realise how important they are to our spiritual health.

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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