Replying to LO26315 --
Dear John,
You have contrasted passion with "comfortably numb". This reminds me of
Odysseus. A cunning and passionate man in my eyes. A hero on his journey
home through life itself. How did he pass the island of the sirenes? Did
he stumble into the unexpected? No, he knew the sirenes power and danger.
Did he avoid the experience by making himself comfortably numb? No, he
wanted to listen to the sirenes songs. How could he have both/and,
overcoming the necessity to choose? Well, did he had any choice? Choosing
passion would have distracted him from his goal "home" and would have
killed him. Choosing comfortable numbness would have cost him the strength
he needed to draw his bow at home (in my imagination). What did he do? May
I say, he empowered his men to take care for the goal by making them
cunningly "comfortably numb", while self listening to the sirenes song,
safely bound to the mast?
Surely the tension between passion and comfort has driven many members of
the human race, it may well have shaped human races history. And is still
Liebe Gruesse,
>Indeed. What will my verse be? When I excitedly awoke from my self- and
>corporate-induced sleep a number of years ago, I vowed never to get
>"comfortably numb" again. Now, time and again, things feel too
>intellectual and too hard. Much of the conversation here (and I'm a
>co-conspirator) is "in the head." I want to feel -- to experience -- more
>deeply than ever before -- what we can "be" in organizations that are
>alive. Organizations that are packed with people like you and me that are
>fully alive and living life with passion. Maybe that's my measure??
--"Dressler, Winfried" <>
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