AW: Psychological aspects of LO's LO26336

From: Dressler, Winfried (
Date: 03/12/01

Replying to LO26326 --

Thank you John for showing an example of a very John Zavacki like and very
Winfried Dressler unlike reply. I think I can learn from it.

Liebe Gruesse,


> sorry, Gavin, but if "reaching the limits of organizational theories"
>ain't implied wisdom, then I'm a silly goat. The interpretation of
>models and theories is what I do for a living is where I was initially
>educated and where I did my research. Organizational theories have no
>limits from where I stand, since they deal with cognitive, behavioural,
>abnormal, and organizational psychology; the deepest theories of
>spirituality, mathematical modelling, statistical analysis, and all kinds
>of other heavy duty intellectually tasking Stuffs. We are tasked with
>Ortega y Gasset's model of philosoph: we are tased with describing the
>universe. It's only just begun.


"Dressler, Winfried" <>

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