Learning and Grace. LO26340

From: Gavin Ritz (garritz@xtra.co.nz)
Date: 03/12/01

Replying to LO26327 --

Hi At

Thank you for that article, I still would like to read more about openness
and otherness.

> When going down the steps of a ladder, we need its two rails supporting
> the steps to guide ourselves with. When going down along the ladder of
> grace, we need a ladder with the seven essentialities as its rails to
> guide us. The older I become, the more I learn just how easily we can
> fall off this ladder of grace because of insufficient openness. Openness
> entails that in our learning we go beyond our understanding by
> accommodating those understandings of others which seem to be
> incomprehensible or trivial to us. By increasing openness we learn that
> those whom we have perceived as our foes can become our close friends.

Yes, I think that this article of yours is graceful and the best I have
read because of my openness.

> Some organisations seem to pose a threat to our own because they are in
> direct competition to us or utilise their resources better than us. We
> then often fear to collaborate with them because we suspect that as our
> foes they will seek the demise of our own organisations. However, once we
> undertake an open symbiosis between all concerned, we learn about a new
> dimension of grace -- a peaceful, interactive co-existence. But should we
> restrict this openness to a selected few and not all concerned, this
> symbiosis will immerge destructively into a cartel (joint monopoly). Grace
> will bite the dust and fear will once again drive our accountability.

Grace has an interesting fear coupling, which I call disharmony, fear of
evil, fear and pain of degradation. Fear of imperfection and disease. It
is the one fear value coupled with Hell. It is the one motive that led
the Nazi party on its path to remove those who degraded their society. The
rapid immergent destruction with this opposite is the most horrible of

Nice article



Gavin Ritz <garritz@xtra.co.nz>

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