Learning disabilities and social systems LO26341

From: Sajeela M ramsey (sajeelacore@juno.com)
Date: 03/12/01

Replying to LO26294 --


I use Appreciative Inquiry often in my work and really have benefitted
from it personally as well. I believe it is a wellness-based modality. As
such, sometimes it can be Polyanna-esque. That's my only issue with using
it --- sometimes a group needs more of a Zen whip approach, and
Appreciative Inquiry just doesn't cut it.

bed calling to me at homestretch of late-night keyboard tip-tapping,

>.. I am finding myself increasingly attracted by the approach often
> referenced on this list, that of "Appreciative Inquiry, (snip). What do
> others think?
> Malcolm C. Burson

Sajeela Moskowitz Ramsey
OD Specialist/Culture Generalist
2432 Villanova Drive/Vienna, VA. 22180
703 573 7050/ SajeelaCore @Juno.com


Sajeela M ramsey <sajeelacore@juno.com>

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