Tavistok Tradition Conference in Israel, July 9-13, 2001 LO26467

From: Andre (andre@actcom.co.il)
Date: 04/02/01

This announcement might interest you. Apologies for cross-posting.

ICS -- Innovation and Change in israeli Society 2001 Tavistock Tradition
Conference in Israel, July, 9-13


What is the strength of the individual in the organization?
What are the conscious and unconscious processes that shape management and
leadership in organizational systems?
How is 'inner authorit' related to leadership and management?
What are the links between the choice to act and the choice to refrain from
acting, especially during transitional times, in an organization and in
society at large?
How do systems get to behave in ways that are detrimental to their survival?
We live in a post-modern society, where changes occur incessantly and
concurrently in the social, political, economic and technological realm.
Our world is an eco-system, when one change reverberates on other parts of
our environment: our challenge is to successfully live live in such a system
and to deal with its inherent tensions.

This international working conference continues a tradition of learning
which was initiated at the Tavistock Institute of Human relations in
London. This is the 13th conference organized by ICS in Israel.

The Conference is a temporary, specially designed learning system, that
enables the participants to take time out from the pressures of daily
work, to experience, explore and learn about complex organizational
phenomena and processes. This Conference is designed to enable the
exploration of the main processes that develop in the 'here and now' of
the Conference itself: rational and emotional processes, explicit and
tacit, conscious and unconscious.
The shifting dynamics between these poles do shape, to a great extent, the
behavior of the individual, the group and society at large.
During the conference different events take place in small and in large
groups. The conference offers the participants opportunities to take on
roles and to engage in different tasks. They are then able to learn how they
and others, as individuals and as a group, assume and delegate authority,
take on leadership roles, or choose to engage in following others, face
different aspects of power as well as initiate or avoid dialogue or
Special events will be designed for participants who have already had
experience with this kind of Conference.
The international management and staff of this conference have a large
experience of conferences and of work in organizations in different
Conference Director: Verred Amitzi, M.Sc., Organization Consultant and
Manager, Go-On, Ltd, and Lecturer, the Kibbutzim Teachers College, Board
member, ICS

For further details and information, contact:
Andre Schonberg
Tel: 972-54-893732
Fax:972-9-748 75 85
Haim Navon 972-53-789176

Andre SCHONBERG, M.Soc.Sc.(H.U.J.)
Management Consultant
Tel: 972-54-89 37 32
Fax:972-9-748 75 85
P.O.Box 822 Ra'anana 43107 Israel


"Andre" <andre@actcom.co.il>

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