Replying to LO26465 --
Dear Gavin and At,
Gavin's 'best' definition is not good enough for me. Perhaps you like to
read Jean Piaget's Structuralism.
For 'monads', you might like to read B. Russell's A Critical Exposition of
the Philosophy of Leibniz for a nice exploration.
For some Chinese speaking friends in this list, the above-mentioned books
are available in Chinese.
Hanching Chung
' It is lucky, else the safety of bridges and airplanes might depend on the
correctness of the 'Eightfold Way' of looking at elementary particles.' H. A.
Simon(1996), The Sciences of the Artificial, p. 16 . Please see also p.134 for
Theory of Structure and Design Organization.
AM de Lange wroteˇG
> I am sure that somewhere you wrote that you was studying Leibniz and his
> concept of monads. But I could not find it despite a lot of searching.
> Leibniz's concept of monads is perhaps the most mystic among philosophical
> literature. On the one hand, he seems to articulate with it what we will
> today recognise as wholeness. But on the other hand, he seems to articalte
> with it what we will today recognise as "conservation"...
--demingtw <>
[Host's Note: in assoc w/ ...
Structuralism by Jean Piaget (but... it's out of print)
A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz : With an Appendix of Leading Passages by Bertrand Russell, John G. Slater (Illustrator) (Available)
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