Replying to LO26451 --
Hi John
John Zavacki wrote:
> Gavin, an interesting reply. Could you please clarify by giving us your
> definition of an archetype??
That is good question, I would imagine and I am not sure, however an
archetype is structural and does not include action or process. But I
could be wrong maybe it is both. If it is both then the systems thinking
archetypes are not archetypes but process archetypes (if there is such a
An assumed ideal pattern of the fundamental structure of each great
division of organized beings- Shorter Oxford Dictionary. (2500 pages)
That seems like structure to me.
If you want to correlate that to At de Langes 7E's that is being-becoming,
identity-categoricity, and maybe association- monodicity
But ultimately one can label anything with any label, I suppose as long as
I know what that person means.
Whatever the case is Systems Thinking Archetypes in my opinion are not
archetypes. More like patterns of process. (call them archetypal process
> What's the difference between a label and the
> container it labels, Alice?
Very large this is one of the key issues that bedevils many people they
confuse the label with the real thing.
--Gavin Ritz <>
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