Knowledge Management in a Learning Organization LO26516

From: Barry Mallis (
Date: 04/13/01

Replying to LO26493 --

Rick, you wrote,

> If it's a learning organization, then the notion of
> --> The organization managing the knowledge of it's constituents
> is less important than the notion
> --> The constituents managing their own knowledge.
> The starting point for effective learning is personal aspiration. If people
> can become more clear about what they want to be able to do, then they will be
> more clear about what knowledge and learning they need in order to do so. The
> role of the organization is to facilitate this process, much less so to manage
> their knowledge.

In the years I've been following this wonderful sight, I've stood back
(not contributed) from the dialogs because oftentimes from my perspective
where I want to APPLY tools and turn them into skills, these dialogs are
relatively abstruse, even arcane. Mind you, I'm speaking from a limited,
and limiting (yes) perspective. I want something to apply to a company of
650 who are suffering from miscommunication, gridlock in the face of

So, Rick, when I read your words above, I took a double take, and re-read,
wondering what the APPLIED difference might be? Who is the organization if
not its constituent parts? I propose that for a manufacturing or service
company, the two phrases are equal in importance. In fact, there is a
symbiotic relationship between them.

Managing personal, business-related knowledge in a company means knowing
how to express knowledge, to whom, at what time, under what circumstances,
and why. That's essential for management of knowledge. A weak
organization, where weakness results from, among other things,
communication-blocking behaviors, is a tough place to work. People from
manufacturing companies who read this thought are sure to agree and have
more to add by way of anecdote.

Perhaps we're very close indeed. Facilitating the process and managing the
process can mean the same thing in practice for me.

Data may become information, information may be come knowledge, knowledge,
used over time, may engender skill.

Best regards from thawing New Hampshire,



Barry Mallis <>

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