Archetypes LO26530

Date: 04/17/01

Dear Arch-e-typers,

Years ago I took to dripping into the voluminous writings and archetypal
musings of the eminent Viennese Doctor F r (e) u d e. Thinking of
'lexicography' and 'creativity' within your 'noun alongside noun' and 'The
Interpretation of Dreams' recalls to me the German word "Steigen" similar,
it seems to the Dutch word "Steiger" the netto resulto in Freudian
'interpretation' was that it (the pro-creative act) is enabled by the
'mounting' of a differing 'kind' upon the rising of another's 'member'.
The association came for me when I was studying Marcel Duchamp's 'Nude
Descending a Staircase'. " Mounting in German 'Steigen) is used as a
direct equivalent for the reproductive act. In French the steps are called
"marches" and " un vieux marcheur" has the same meaning as "ein alter
Steigen" (an old rake)". What has just occurred to me is that the word
"rake" assumes a new meaning in relation to the notion of "ground" and
"tilling" verses "plundering". I expect the connections go on forever;-)

Differently now in the Eastern traditions they say to caste of the 'raft
of knowledge' when you have assumed-subsumed the meaning (form/content).
In the visual arts the raising of the word into the soft flex of the
symbol allows for all sorts of transformations of something like a
'scaffold'- we go up and down for ever on those interpretations it seems.

Hegel to Goethe

" The simple and abstract, which you very strikingly call the 'basic
phenomenon', you place at the summit; then you show the concrete
phenomenon as arising out of the addition of further modes of influence
and circumstances, and regulate the whole process in such a way that the
order proceeds from the simple to the more complex conditions; and, thus
ordered, the complex now appears in all it's clearness as a result from
this analysis. To discover the basic phenomenon, to free it from the
surroundings accidental to it, to conceive it abstractly as we say -- this
I consider to a matter pertaining to the great, spiritual perception of
Nature, besides being the path in general towards the truly scientific
side of knowledge in this field... May I, however, also say to you that
the special interest with which a basic phenomenon brought to life in such
a way has for us philosophers, is that we are able to turn it to use in
our philosophy. We have, of course, in the first place our oyster-like
grey or quite Black absolute, nevertheless we have directed it toward the
air and the light, so that it has become covetous of these, but we need
window spaces in order finally to bring it out to the full light of day;
our schemes would disappear in smoke if we were to transplant them into
the motley, intricate society of the perverse world. At this point, your
basic phenomenon, serves us excellently; in this twilight, spiritual and
intelligible by virtue of its simplicity, visible and tangible by virtue
of its sensibility, the two worlds, our abstruse one and phenomenal
existence, greet each other."
Dear Barry Mallis will know from the wisdom of a complex phenomenological
love that Rumi would easily instil as great a beauty into the smelly dung
of the mule's droppings (downward) as the resultant (upward) fragrant rose
bush, realising that it is 'the one that brings forth the other' in just
such an ex-change of sensibilities;-)



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